
lunes, 30 de junio de 2014

Hunks Poco Conocidos: Will Grant

Will Grant (May 21, 1992) is an American BMX racing biker and also male model and Certified Personal Trainer. He began his career in BMX at 2004 turning expert in just a few months by winning his first National title the very next year.

He's a very competitive person and fears of losing, which pushes him harder than anything, he wants to stand out and be extraordinary, that's why he pushes himself so hard by performing his workout.

You can check his instagram profile here: link.
And also his official website for more info and photos: link.

You can also check his YouTube channel if you are interested in fitness tips and advice.

Apart from that there isn't much information about him, but let the pics speak for themselves, enjoy!

lunes, 23 de junio de 2014

Birthday Thoughts and Decisions

Hi there.

As many of  you know (and if not, better late than never) today is my birthday. People often tell me that I should be happy this day, but actually is one of the days I feel more indifferent about. After I had some problems with my straight friends in my town which lead to not having any type of contact with them from that point on, I stopped caring about this day and enjoying it in a different way. 

To be 24 years old, and even more than that, to have had 24 birthday days allows you to come to some conclusions:

- We are happy to be one year old, but shouldn't we be worried about having one less year to live? (Thanks Kyle XY)

- The social pressure makes the people who hasn't even shared a word with you throughout the whole year to wish you a happy birthday.

I was so tired of this situation last year, so this time I have enroled into a Digital Marketing course (which Googgle organized) which started today to avoid all this crap. I have had such a wonderful time in the course with the Google's staff today... It has also helped me to reach to some conclusions while I was scrolling through my smartphone looking at the messages:

- I don't care anymore about "friends" who only speak with me in my birthday

- I have to focus in the people who really care about me, because they are the only ones who are not letting you down. Furthermore, they were the first ones in wishing me a happy birthday and the only messages that I trully value is theirs.

- I love what I'm currently doing with my life.

Apart from that I have to say that this course is helping me a lot to organize the social media and other stuff related to this little corner of the internet. So I'm sure there will be some changes really soon. I have also decided not to erase the Things You See In... I do ART with this and I think it's good to share that art with you guys and girls (yes, a lot of girls follow the blog via Google+).

So nothing more to add, hope this post helps you to know a little bit more about me, something that I'm not very used to do.

Best regards, and till the next post!


domingo, 15 de junio de 2014

Sunday's Star (34): Guilherme Leão

Guilherme Leão, 22 years old, is a Police officer in Sao Paolo (Brazil) and also a model. He has recently been named the sexiest policeman in the Brazil's public transport service. Appart from his work in the subway he also models for some jet unknown agency.

There is not much info about this model but the only thing that I have been able to find is his weight, which I don't really care. I just hope that the people in Sao Paolo enjoy this guy, becaus many of us would be more than pleased to meet him while we're taking the tube.

He is having a lot of impact in the media, so I hope that new data will be avalible soon. In the meanwhile, enjoy the pictures.

So... Mr. Policeman... I think I have an emergency ;D

viernes, 13 de junio de 2014

Back at Home


As many of you have noticed in the last few days, I returned from Poland last week. This first two weeks at home have been hard for me for obvious reasons, once you have tasted all the freedom of living abroad with nothing to care about going back home is quite hard.

The experience in Poland has been amazing, I've had the chance to know a lot of new places, food and men, lots of men, being Spanish in the countries in the north of Europe is a good plus for meeting blue eyed blonde guys. But even more than meeting and dating foreigners, the most amazing thing of living abroad is the freedom that you have living by yourself, which encourages me to try this experience again, hopefully, in a near future.

The situation is getting more stable now, so I'm getting back to my normal life. I have some post in mind that I hope I can write this sunday, to recover the Sunday's Star section of the blog, so as the short story section with some kinky and hard tale.

Thor is also working in translating some of the posts which are not in English, and now that I am writing I realize that I have to meet with him, I haven't seen him in months!  hahahaha.

I will return to the activity soon so stay tuned for new posts.

Greetings and till the next post ;D