"El orgullo que sentía hacia su persona se transformaba en odio hacia lo que tenía a su alrededor. El era el mejor y no necesitaba a nadie más. Siempre miraba a los demás por encima del hombro, hasta que un día encontró a alguien al que no podía engañar ni ofender.
Este alguien le hizo una cura de humildad, haciendo que pusiera los pies en la tierra y cambiara su conducta por su propio bien".
"The pride he felt to himself became in hate to the people who surrounded him. He was the best and didn't need anyone. He always looked the others over his shoulder, till one day, when he found someone who could not fool or offend.
That one made him change his mind, making him put his feet on the ground and changing his behaviour for his own sake".
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