"Era hora de entrenar. Se puso los guantes y entró en el gimnasio para descargar la adrenalina contra el saco de boxeo. El kickboxing era una de sus actividades favoritas, lo ayudaba a despejar la mente de malos pensamientos, de su odio hacia ciertas personas.
Tras acabar el entrenamiento, cubierto de sudor, se daba una ducha en el vestuario. Siempre sólo, porque no había nadie a aquellas horas en el gimnasio. Poco después iba a trabajar, siempre con la mente despejada y dispuesto a dar lo mejor de si mismo como cada día de su vida".
"It was time for training. He putted his gloves on and entered the gym to punch that boxing bag. The kickboxing was one of his favourite sports, it helped him to clear his mind of bad thoughts and his hate to some people.
After finishing his workout, totally sweated, he took a shower in the changing room. He always was alone in that place, cause no one went to the gym in that hour of the morning. A little bit after he went to work, always with his mind cleared and looking after giving the best of himself everyday".
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