
lunes, 16 de julio de 2012


"Era una mañana espléndida, el sol brillaba y no había ni una sola nube que tapara al astro rey. Tras su baño matutino Gary se sentó en las rocas para secarse. Estaba cómodo en aquel lugar, su lugar favorito, donde no tenía que preocuparse de nada más que de sí mismo. Tras estar ahí un rato disfrutando del sol volvió a casa, había que aprovechar aquél día al máximo".

"It was a beautiful morning, the sun shinned and there wasn't any cloud in the sky. After his morning bath in the beach Gary sat down on the rocks to dry his bathsuit. He was fine there, in his favourite place, where he had no worries, he was the only one who cared. After staying there for a while enjoying the sun he went home, it was a nice day and he had to take advantage of it".

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