"Había amanecido, la luz entraba por los huecos de la persiana de su piso en Barcelona. Hundió la cara en la almohada, no quería levantarse, pero tenía obligaciones importantes por delante, no podía permitirse el lujo de quedarse en la cama.
Su trabajo era una envidia para la mayoría, diseñaba lencería masculina. Todos los días estaba contemplando a hombres imponentes ligeritos de ropa desfilar delante suyo. Corrigiendo defectos, ajustando paquetes, mejorando traseros... pero después de tanto tiempo haciéndolo resultaba algo vacío para él. Sólo quería encontrar a alguien con el que romper la rutina, alguien al que no le importara posar para él por la noche, fuera de las horas de trabajo. Alguien con quien amanecer todos los días, tumbado a su lado respirando suavemente en aquella cama vacía".
"A new day started, the light entered through the gaps of the blind of his flat in Barcelona. He layed his head in the pillow, he didn't want to get up of the bed but he had things to do, he couldn't afford staying in bed all the morning.
Everyone was jealous of his work, he designed masculine underwear. Every day he looked at the most handsome hunks in the world wearing his underwear. Then he corrected the mistakes he made in the design, tighted up their butts and bulges, and so on. But after so many years doing thoose things he was bored and empty. He only wanted to find someone to stay with, to do new things with him, after worktime. Someone who could be with him every morning when he waked up, some who could be breathing slowly near him in that big and empty bed".
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