"Era muy tarde, pero el seguía mirando fotos suyas. El recuerdo de aquella persona seguía atormentándolo por las noches, cuando soñaba y recordaba a partes iguales los momentos, nuevos y viejos, en los que todavía estaban juntos.
Al cabo de un rato cayó dormido profundamente y volvió a verlo, esta vez sobre su pecho desnudo, besándolo como la primera vez que se acostaron".
"It was late, but he still was looking his photos. The memory of that person kept tormenting his mind every night, when he dreamed and remembered new and old moments, when they still were together.
A little bit after he fell asleep and saw him again, this time he was on his naked chest, naked, kissing him like the first time they were like that together".
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