
martes, 25 de septiembre de 2012

Blow My Mind

"Su mente estaba abrumada por toda clase de problemas, pero todos se esfumaron en el mismo momento en el que puso los pies sobre la arena mojada de la playa en aquellos últimos días de verano. El otoño se acercaba implacable, pero no le importaba, se quitó la ropa y se zambulló en el agua.
Aquella playa del Pacífico sur era su santuario, un lugar donde liberarse de todos sus problemas disfrutando del buen tiempo mientras durara. Y, algún día, lo compartiría con alguien, de éso estaba seguro."

"He was overwhelmed by every kind of troubles, but all of them faded away in the very moment he stood on the wet sand of that beach in those last days of Summer. Autumn was coming, but he didn't care, he took off his clothes and started swimming in the cold water.
That beach in the South Pacific Ocean was his sanctuary, a place where he could free his mind from all his troubles, enjoying that moment of peace and the weather till it lasted. And, someday, he would share that place with someone, of that he was sure."

Caio Cesar

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