
sábado, 22 de septiembre de 2012

Saturday Night *FEVER*

"Vieron a aquella pareja besarse en aquél local a medianoche, llevaban tiempo sabiendo que tarde o temprano ocurriría, tal y como ya les había ocurrido a ellos hace tiempo. Ver a otras personas experimentando aquél momento tan especial les hizo recordar su primera vez.
Cuando la fiesta acabó volvieron juntos a casa. Nada más entrar al apartamento se besaron. Lo empujó contra la pared y comenzó a besarlo más fuerte. Acabaron desnudos en la cama, disfrutando el uno del otro, dándose placer sin tener que preocuparse por que nadie los viera ni los juzgara. Estaban juntos, compartiendo aquél momento, y éso era lo único que importaba."

"They saw that couple kissing in the dancefloor that night, they knew that sooner or later that kiss between them would come, just like happened in their case long time ago. Seeing other people enjoying that special moment made them happy and made them remember their first time.
When the party was over they came back home together. In the very moment they entered the house they kissed, and kissed each other again when he pushed the other to the wall to get a kiss again. They dropped their clothes and went to the bed, naked, enjoying that moment, giving and recieving pleasure without been judged or observed. They were together sharing that moment, and that was the only thing that mattered."

3 comentarios:

BadAllDay dijo...

Hello! I'd like to know if these images are from a movie or something? Can someone help me? Thanks in advance!

Azart dijo...

I'm pretty sure that the second image (the gif) is from a Sean Cody porn movie. I don't know if the first one is from a movie, I grave it from a tumlr account.

Hope this comment helped you. Greetings!

BadAllDay dijo...

Thank you!!! You really helped me! =) I've been trying to find out where that image comes from for a long time.

Big hug!

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