"Las horas se hacían eternas entre aquellas cuatro paredes. Los compañeros de clase hablaban entre ellos sin cesar mientras hacían ejercicios y problemas, pero a Eric no le importaban demasiado los resultados de aquellos problemas aquella mañana. Alex, su compañero de mesa ojeaba el móvil como de costumbre, intentando enterarse de cuándo tenían entrenamiento de nuevo.
Alex le susurró discretamente al oído las fechas y las horas de los entrenamientos como siempre, para que no tuviera problemas en clase por mirar el móvil. Eran amigos desde que tenían uso de razón, se conocieron en la guardería y llevaban juntos en la misma clase desde entonces. Compartían muchas aficiones, entre las que destacaba el fútbol, la mayor de todas. Jugaban en el mismo equipo y ambos tenían pasión por aquel deporte.
En cuanto sonó la campana que marcaba el fin de las clases ambos volvieron a casa por el mismo camino, como siempre, la tradición les marcaba el camino a seguir, al igual que ese camino los volvería a juntar más tarde en el campo de entrenamiento. Fue una jornada dura, pero todavía les quedaban fuerzas para salir de marcha por la ciudad.
Se juntaron con sus compañeros de equipo y los amigos, parejas y demás allegados y fueron al primer bar. La primera copa sirvió para ponerlos en materia, hablar de cómo les iba en clase, en el equipo, los fallos que habían cometido en el último partido, trivialidades. La segunda copa hizo que todos comenzaran a desinhibirse, mientras bailaban o hablaban entre ellos. Algunos ya no recordaron los efectos que causo la tercera. Eric no bebía demasiado y fue consciente en todo momento de la situación, sobre todo cuando se tuvo que llevar a Alex a casa, como muchas otras veces, porque no se tenía en pie.
Después de la caminata hasta su casa sacó las llaves del bolsillo izquierdo de su compañero mientras lo sostenía sobre el hombro. Aquella noche se sintió aliviado de que su familia no estuviera en casa, otras veces no habían tenido tanta suerte. Entre risas y pasos torpes consiguió meterlo en su habitación. Alex se dejó caer en la cama, llevándose con el a Eric, que quedó tumbado sobre su pecho, muy cerca. Aquello pasaba a menudo, pero nunca existió la posibilidad de seguir adelante. Ambos eran como hermanos, no había nadie que conociera mejor al otro, estaban más unidos que cualquier persona, tan unidos que eran mucho más que amigos, había un vinculo muy dificil de describir entre ellos dos.
Alex rodeó su cintura con los brazos, sin parar de mirarlo a los ojos. En ese mismo momento salieron a la luz todos los sentimientos que guardaban para ellos mismos, la única cosa que no habían compartido el uno con el otro.
Se besaron, como siempre quisieron hacer y no pudieron porque el miedo se apoderaba de la situación. Ninguno de los dos había cambiado en absoluto, seguían siendo los mismos que se habían conocido en la guardería, solo que ese miedo ya había desaparecido.
Se volvieron a besar y disfrutaron de su momento, ambos lamentaron no poder haberlo hecho antes."
"Hours seemed years between those four walls. His class mates were talking while doing exercises and math problems, but Eric didn't care about the solution of them that morning. Alex was checking his mobile phone as usual, trying to find out when was the next training session.
Alex whispered in his ear the dates as always, to avoid having troubles for using the mobile in class. They were friend since they were very little, they even went together to nursery school and they've been together in class ever since. They shared many hobbies, football being the main one. They played in the same team and they shared the passion for that sport.
When the bell rang as the class finished, both returned home together following the path they always did. A path that would bring them back together later on when they had to attend to the training session. It was a tiring day but they still had enough strength to party in the city.
They met the team mates, friends, partners and other people and went to the first pub. The first drink made them talk about class, football practice, mistakes they might had made, general stuff. the second drink made them let loose a little. Some of them couldn't remember the third drink. Eric didn't drink much and he had to take care of Alex who, as many other times, needed to be taken home.
After the walk home, he took the keys from the left pocket from Alex's trousers while holding him not to fall down. That night he felt lucky he didn't have to handle his family like he did previous times, the house was empty. He managed to take him to his room while he was laughing and joking. Alex let himself fall to the bed bringing Eric with him. Eric ended up lying on Alex's chest. That wasn't the first time that happened, but didn't have the chance to go on. They were like brothers, always together, there was no one who knew better one another, there was a link between the two of them.
Alex hold his waist while looking at his eyes. In that moment, all the feelings that were kept inside came out. It was the only thing the didn't share with each other.
They kissed like they always wanted but never could because of fear. None of them had changed, they were still the same, but the fear that stood in the middle just disappeared.
They kissed again, thinking that they should have done it before."
Alex whispered in his ear the dates as always, to avoid having troubles for using the mobile in class. They were friend since they were very little, they even went together to nursery school and they've been together in class ever since. They shared many hobbies, football being the main one. They played in the same team and they shared the passion for that sport.
When the bell rang as the class finished, both returned home together following the path they always did. A path that would bring them back together later on when they had to attend to the training session. It was a tiring day but they still had enough strength to party in the city.
They met the team mates, friends, partners and other people and went to the first pub. The first drink made them talk about class, football practice, mistakes they might had made, general stuff. the second drink made them let loose a little. Some of them couldn't remember the third drink. Eric didn't drink much and he had to take care of Alex who, as many other times, needed to be taken home.
After the walk home, he took the keys from the left pocket from Alex's trousers while holding him not to fall down. That night he felt lucky he didn't have to handle his family like he did previous times, the house was empty. He managed to take him to his room while he was laughing and joking. Alex let himself fall to the bed bringing Eric with him. Eric ended up lying on Alex's chest. That wasn't the first time that happened, but didn't have the chance to go on. They were like brothers, always together, there was no one who knew better one another, there was a link between the two of them.
Alex hold his waist while looking at his eyes. In that moment, all the feelings that were kept inside came out. It was the only thing the didn't share with each other.
They kissed like they always wanted but never could because of fear. None of them had changed, they were still the same, but the fear that stood in the middle just disappeared.
They kissed again, thinking that they should have done it before."
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