
lunes, 3 de diciembre de 2012


Aquél día era especial. Era un día que se repetía cada año, pero un día especial al fin y al cabo. Tras un desayuno copioso comenzó a recibir llamadas de todos sus amigos y conocidos, incluso de los que no sabía desde hacía mucho tiempo. 
La fiesta que le esperaba aquella tarde fue lo mejor que recordaba en mucho tiempo. Todos estaban ahí, con lo que la diversión fue generalizada.
Su día acabo con un baño en la piscina cuando el sol se ocultaba en la lejanía. Solo quedaban dos invitados y estaba muy claro lo que iba a suceder. En cuanto ambos se quitaron el bañador y nadaron hacia él supo que aquella noche iba a ser legendaria.

That day was special. It was something that happened every year, but it was special anyway. After a heavy breakfast he started receiving several calls from all his friends and close people, even from those who he hasn't seen in a long time.
The party that he went in the afternoon was the best thing that he experienced in a long time. Everyone was there, that's why he enjoyed it so much.
His special day ended with a bath in the pool when the sun was setting. Only two remained in the house and it was clear that something great was about to happen. In the very moment they took off their swimming trunks he knew that night would be legendary.

*.. Quiero dedicar esta entrada al ilustre traductor de este rincón de internet: Thor, que hoy es su cumpleaños, ¡¡felicidades!!
I want to dedicate this post to the translator of this blog: Thor, cause today it is his birthday. Happy birthday mate!! ..*

1 comentario:

Thor dijo...

Thanks mate!!! It was a great birthday! ;)
This post has put a smile on my face. Reading it was an awesome way of ending my B-day.

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