"Se pasaba mañanas enteras delante del ordenador procesando informes. Cuentas y cuentas que parecían nunca acabar. Las últimas semanas habían sido un completo fastidio, no había podido descansar adecuadamente y el ritmo que llevaba comenzaba a pasarle factura, pero seguía adelante, animado por aquella oportunidad tan productiva que le habían ofrecido.
En el tiempo que llevaba trabajando allí lo que más le molestaba no eran los informes, sino aquellos dos ojos azules que lo observaban constantemente, los de su compañero de mesa. No pasaban cinco minutos sin que notara que lo observaba con curiosidad. Su compañero había estado ahí desde que entró a trabajar, y en el primer momento en el que lo vio supo que era como él.
En realidad no le molestaba que lo mirase, le inquietaban las razones por las que no paraba de mirarlo. ¿Tendrá curiosidad por mí? ¿Querrá conocerme? ¿Le gustaré? eran algunas de las preguntas que se le pasaban por la cabeza.
Como muchas veces a lo largo del día sus miradas volvieron a cruzarse, tal vez no significara nada, pero él volvió a perderse en sus ojos azules, al igual que su compañero se perdía en lo suyos.
¿Qué habría visto en aquellos dos ojos azules?."
"He spent the morning in front of a computer, doing lots of reports. Tons of reports that seemed not to end. The last weeks were terrible, he couldn't rest as much as he wanted and he was tired. The rhythm he kept started to affect him, but he kept on, happy for the chance he was given by joining that company.
In the time he was there, the only thing that bothered him wasn't making those reports, it was those blue eyes checking on him all the time, his workmate's eyes. Every five minutes he was taking a glance at him with curiosity. His workmate worked there long time before he started in the company, but in the first time he looked at him he knew that they were alike.
The fact that he was looking at him didn't bother him really, he was curious of why he was staring. Is he curious? Does he want to meet me? Does he like me? were some questions that he wondered every day.
Like many times every day they exchanged looks. Maybe it was nothing, but he got lost again in those blue eyes, just like his workmate got lost in his too.
What did he see in those blue eyes?".
John Esposito
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