Turn on the Lights ~ Hunklopedia

viernes, 6 de julio de 2012

Turn on the Lights

"La oscuridad se tragó la habitación en la que estaba, desnudo, sobre una lámina de agua que mojaba cada centímetro de su piel. La única luz que había era la del flash de la cámara de fotos. Su jefe le hizo posar en posturas que jamás hubiera imaginado que podría realizar.
Las luces se encendieron de repente después del último disparo de la cámara. Los asistentes lo observaban atentamente mientras seguía metido en aquel tanque improvisado de agua. Dos chicos le ayudaron a levantarse y le tendieron una toalla para taparse. Había terminado otro día de trabajo. Tras comprobar la calidad de las fotos, sin poder opinar al respecto, volvió al camerino. Era hora de volver a casa".

"The darkness surrounded the room he was into, naked, on a thin layer of water which soaked every part of his skin. The only light that was in that room was the camera's flash. His boss made him pose in every kind of posture, he never imagined he could pose like that.
The lights turned on in a sudden, after the last shot of the camera. The helpers were looking at him close while he still was in that water container. Two boys helped him standing up and gave him a towel in order to cover his virility. Another day of work ended. After checking the photos, without complaining, he went to his changing room. It was time to come back home".

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